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Old 11 February 2013, 13:50
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grog18b grog18b is offline
Clorox bearer for SOTB
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Finally back to my 203 range
Posts: 4,234
Sad... Truly sad. RIP Mike. GROG
[SIZE="2"]"....As far as "rights" are concerned... I look at them this way. I don't tell you what church to go to, and you don't tell me what kind of firearm I can own." GROG[/SIZE]

[SIZE="2"]If gun control laws controlled crime, we wouldn't need cops[/SIZE].
Finally, I believe that punishing lawful gun owners by creating new, more onerous laws, and restricting Constitutionally guaranteed rights, when we already don't enforce the tens of thousands of gun laws we have on the books, is like beating your dog because the neighbor's dog shit in your yard.
"The Reaper"
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