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Old 3 June 2016, 19:11
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In continuing with the stories of Andy's impact to us here on SOCNET - I had a dream a couple nights ago that I was with Andy working an EP gig. Then, as dreams do, it got a bit strange and we wound up on Pendleton and then at a bar with a bunch of other Marines, some of whom I knew and others I did not.

What made this unique for me: I don't dream. Or I very rarely remember any dreams. This one was vivid. I have never met Andy in person, but it felt like I knew him well in this dream. When I woke up I felt a deep sense of loss. I'm sure a psychologist would say something about the residual subconscious blah blah blah. But for me it just confirmed how much of an impact he had on me.

I am sure if Andy could read this post he would say that it was GAY.
"He who does not punish evil commands that it be done." -- Leonardo Da Vinci

That's when you find out that you're better off makin' sure your soul's alright” -- Prince
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