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Old 26 July 2016, 20:06
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Old_Starlight Old_Starlight is offline
Awaiting the Terrologist?
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posts: 2,685
Wow, just ... Wow; I am gutted. I have taken a few days to try and put things into words.

I had the opportunity, pleasure and absolute honour to interact with him both reading his posts in the open forums and the PM's we exchanged. Ken was instrumental in helping me to deal with a SEAL poseur when I was working the APP in Khowst in 2007 when shit was getting real and a bunch of NG were deferring to the POS. Ken had the clout by reputation to break through the veil of B/S the idiot had erected when no one wanted to listen to the "token Aussie".

Sir, you were larger than life, even online, and one of the few men here to inspire generations of Warriors who had the good fortune to cross your path in life.

I trust you are safely with the love of your life, united once more.

AJ sends.

On the 11th Hour of the 11th Day of the 11th Month, we will remember them.

Lest We Forget.
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