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Old 4 September 2019, 12:56
yrot yrot is offline
Join Date: Sep 2019
Location: Odessa, Texas
Posts: 44
As I was reading thru the condolences, I got to KidA’s and thought it could not be put more eloquently, thoroughly or accurately as that. What I remember most about SOTB was that he was an agitator, in a good way. He made you rethink your opinions, analyze the basis for them and question their validity. He was a proud, sometimes worried but always caring and supportive father. He was a mentor and friend to many. He was a true warrior that put every ounce of his being into the fight and would fight to the death. To quote him: Fuck Cancer – you took his body but you will never conquer his soul.

RIP, Andy. You did make a difference. May God swiftly heal the loss of those you loved and love you and may they be transported ASAP to a time when memories of you bring smiles instead of tears.
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