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Old 15 May 2021, 01:42
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ABigDoor ABigDoor is offline
Drought/Famine Resistant
Join Date: Nov 2020
Location: Houston
Posts: 875
I was reading through some old posts as I tend to do from time to time, and noticed that as of midnight here in Houston, it's 5 years since SOTB passed. I only lurked here when he passed, but still remember scrolling through the forums and seeing this thread title and it taking a minute to really click and set in. As a nobody lurker, I was shocked and saddened reading about the death of a person I didn't know and would probably never meet, even if SOTB lived to be a modern Methuselah. I rate as less than nothing compared to him, but even I could see what a meticulous, highly inquisitive and fierce mind the man behind the screen name possessed and that he was obviously an influential thought leader, who through sheer brilliant willpower, massively helped shape a really amazing message board and community filled with very intelligent people of all type. (I can only imagine what he achieved in the real world.)

all of that is to say, since I can now actually humbly pay my respects, RIP SOTB. I imagine your mind would be ablaze looking at the world's problems in 2021, and we are all lesser for not being able to know what you think.

and I'm thankful to all the SOCNET staff/admins et al that maintain this site and database so his wisdom (and others, of course) can live on in perpetuity.

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