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Old 3 December 2009, 17:33
OldSwabbie OldSwabbie is offline
Clan Stiùbhard (Stuart)..
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Woodruff, South Carolina
Posts: 2,184
I would stand behind the Col.. but legally.. legally (damit) he is in the red zone. I cant stand HA's .. they are usually nothing but a bunch of old people with nothing better to do than make other people's lives miserable.

My father (Army, Korea war Vet) had a run in with a HA a number of years ago. The HA wasn't in existance when we built our house in 69 in the subdivision... Years later a HA came into being, but my father decided NOT to participate. He was painting the house one day when two old men walked up the driveway and asked him what he was doing (in a interogatory manner)... He was taken back a little but said "painting, what the hell does it look like I'm doing?". They commenced to telling him that he had not put in a request to the HA to change the color (he wasnt) of the trim and he must cease any further painting until it was approved. My Dad told me to go inside.. Damit - I would always miss all the good stuff as a kid.

My father was a good old Alabama boy, with a temper.. but, he was also an Aux Florida Highway patrolman so he had to watch himself...looking out the window I could hear him cussing them out .. the old men turned even whiter than they were before.. he started going after them and ended up chasing them back down the driveway with a paintbrush in his hand. He warned them that they would be SHOT the next time they set foot on HIS property.. that THIS was their warning after trespass... they tried some legal wrangling but lost their asses in court to him.
Take one vial of my blood and I will not die. But if you continue taking it one vial at a time, slowly... I will die slowly. But make no mistake.. I WILL die ....the same with my RIGHTS!
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