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Old 4 December 2009, 15:35
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billdawg billdawg is offline
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Location: Omaha,NE
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Of course different states will interpret it differently. But, here in Nebraska several years ago, and HOA took a guy to court for painting his house an obnoxious purple. The court sided with the homeowner, saying that private property trumped the HOA rules.

On a similar side note. My Uncle, was taken to court by his neighbors back in the 1980's, for flying his flag. They said it was too loud. My uncle was a vet, and head of civilian security at White Sands missle base. The original suit agianst him was won by the neighbor. My uncle took it to the NM supreme court, and they threw it out. It's been awhile so my memory is hazy. I do rememeber Paul Harvey talking about it,and it was in People magazine as well.
Be nice, until it's time to not be nice!
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