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Old 12 February 2013, 09:03
RangerJurena RangerJurena is offline
Been There Done That
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Back In Texas
Posts: 786
Mike was hard as woodpeckers lips but a fair and tough NCO when I arrived at Hard Rock Charlie.

Back before tough man and combatives Mike had a boxing background and would pretty much take on anyone. Always walking up and thumbing his nose in a boxers stance always wanting to know if you wanted a shot at the title.

I crossed paths with lots of NCO's and Ranger's in my time, some leave a lasting impression, some I forgot minutes after meeting them. Sgt.(at that time) Donatelli was not one I ever forgot. He even reached out to me here when he joined, first comms in like 20 years.

RIP Mike.
2 Charlie <1>
A long time ago
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