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piglet 10 November 2016 20:36

RIP Andy prayers for your wife and daugther!

You will be missed but not forgotten.

assertnull 12 November 2016 20:54

Girlfriend's mother is an AML leukemia survivor, so we did MD Anderson's "give cancer the boot" walk today. We walked with her mother, and a group of survivors and their families. All donations went straight to MD Anderson, no BS skimming off the top.

Saw a really really fat cop at the starting line that would have made Andy giggle, then realized where I was, and got a bit choked up. Strange for a dude I'd never met, but hit me nonetheless.

Just made me think of the dude, thought I'd share.

RazorSix 20 November 2016 21:14

Visit often. Very rarely post. I always enjoyed reading his posts -- even when I disagreed. Some of what he has said has influenced how I go about my day job.

RIP -- Marine.

Condolences to his family and those who could call him friend.

SOW_0331 25 November 2016 22:26

Please forgive my absence and how long it took me to write this.

A good friend and member here told me of this when it happened and it broke my fucking heart. I've lost a lot of friends over the years and it never gets easier, but Andy was always a little different. When I went through a very difficult time a few years ago, SOCNET members came together and quite literally saved my life. I could afford treatment for a cancer diagnosis that I was terrified to speak of and embarrassed about. It was a diagnosis that Andy himself had been through, which resulted in his "symmetry". During the whole ordeal, Andy was a friend and confidant who was my backbone when I needed a kick in the ass.

If I could have picked someone to be my father, to be the grandfather of my daughters, I would have been blessed to have Andy in that role. I'm still blessed to have been able to call him my friend and for the way he opened up to me and showed me such kindness and compassion. I never got to tell him that. I regret that I'll never get the chance. But I say it now so that others might see a side of Andy that most people would not have known. Andy was always a true warrior, but there was so much more to him.

Rest Easy my friend. I hope every day that your family is well and know that those who knew you will keep your memory alive. If I could be half the man you were I would have lived a good life.

pan51shovel 26 November 2016 00:23

RIP SOTB, sorry we never met in person. Always enjoyed your posts.

just11b 1 December 2016 07:29

Happy Birthday, Andy. It sucks that you are not around.

Gray Rhyno 1 December 2016 11:41

HBD Brother. Semper Fidelis.

Mars 1 December 2016 11:45

Happy Birthday, my Brother! You are sincerely missed!

Fofo 1 December 2016 13:06

Happy Birthday, Andy...!

We miss you down here. I hope the birthday cake delicious up there and you got a Halo gaming marathon with other buddies ready for today!

Semper Fi.

Floyd 1 December 2016 13:15

Happy birthday SOTB, I hope there's no shortage of peanut butter up there.

KidA 24 December 2016 14:08

As I mentioned much earlier, almost every damned year Andy would say "Mike, why don't you come down here for Christmas" and every damned year I'd say "No" - He knew I wouldn't, but he still asked.

I don't regret not going down. It was almost a game after a few years. But this Christmas if I could have one wish it would be that Andy was still around to call/text/or message me and say "Hey Mike, why don't you come down for Christmas?"

RIP my friend.

RipperTOW 13 January 2017 19:21

Holy shit. I had no idea.

Andy was a great friend. I got to know him on this site, but then personally and I've been witness to him overcoming some major life challenges with ae stoicism and steadfastness that would impress anyone. He was an awesome human being, and I'm just shocked to see this. I hope his family is in good hands, and that whatever went down was as painless as possible for all.

See you at the final RP buddy.

Ergogirl 22 January 2017 20:59


I remember the first time I met him. I couldn't believe the scary, intimidating Admin with the withering wit that could eviscerate newbie posters with ease was actually an incredibly friendly and easy going man with a passing resemblance to Alan Alda.

Even though I was a civvie, he invited me to local get-togethers, and the one or two times I went, I always felt safe near him. He was always a gentleman in person. And kind.

It would be fair to say that I learned some of my most colorful language and most damaging verbal takedowns from reading his posts, and for that I am truly grateful. Every time I see the word assume, I read it as ASSume, just because of Andy.

But most of all, he was incredibly smart. I knew that if there was a topic I was unsure about, I could get the straight scoop from SOTB, along with a clear, well-reasoned argument that cut through the issue to the core. We need that more than ever these days.

RIP, Andy. I am a better person because of your example.

B 2/75 22 January 2017 21:47

WOW... Where have you been?

Welcome back!

Baildog 22 January 2017 23:20

[QUOTE=B 2/75;1058626181]WOW... Where have you been?

Welcome back![/QUOTE]

Seriously. Welcome back.
I think I first met Andy at that same linkup I first met you.

Ergogirl 23 January 2017 00:17

Thanks guys. Believe it or not, I came back to read up on SOTB's posts re:current events- I feel like he had a good grasp of things and more often than not I learned something from his perspective. Was looking for that this afternoon.

I'm stunned. I just can't wrap my head around this...

Sigi 23 January 2017 01:05

[QUOTE=Ergogirl;1058626228] I feel like he had a good grasp of things and [B]more often than not I learned something from his perspective[/B].[/QUOTE]

Yes, that is for sure.

Sharky 23 January 2017 09:53

[QUOTE=Ergogirl;1058626228]Thanks guys. Believe it or not, I came back to read up on SOTB's posts re:current events- I feel like he had a good grasp of things and more often than not I learned something from his perspective. Was looking for that this afternoon.

I'm stunned. I just can't wrap my head around this...[/QUOTE]

Welcome home.

Freebird 10 February 2017 00:41

For various reasons, none of which matter, I've been away from SOCNET for a couple of years. To come back and see that one of the legends here has passed on has really blown me away. Rest in Peace and Semper Fi, Andy.

Raider Rakkasans 23 February 2017 02:33

Wow! After all this time away from here I come back to find this out. Never met him in person but we did correspond a lot. He gave me some great advice when my little girl was ill always checked on me and my family. RIP Brother. Until we form again!

Ranger7 2 March 2017 10:49

RIP brother. I don't I ever met Andy in life, but his life was something worth living and I hope and pray his family can recover and press on.

just11b 15 May 2017 11:54

Hard to believe it has been a year..

Rest in Peace, Andy Potts. You are sorely missed.

godfather 15 May 2017 12:41


Mars 15 May 2017 12:44

You haven't been forgotten, Brother!

The Fat Guy 15 May 2017 12:47

Save me a Seat Brother. You promised.....

Sigi 15 May 2017 13:01

Neglected to have breakfast due to a busy schedule of back to back to back conference calls. Seeing this thread again gave me a taste for peanut butter.


Baildog 15 May 2017 14:45

Damn, has it really been a year?
We all miss you, dude.

Gray Rhyno 15 May 2017 14:52

I'm gonna stop on my way back to my hotel and get a jar of PB...

Chimo 15 May 2017 15:01

RIP Andy. You will always be part of the soul of this site.

Forestboy 15 May 2017 15:38

R.I.P. my friend. Hard to believe it has been a year.

Fuck Cancer!

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