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MacDuff 15 May 2016 21:03

I've enjoyed reading SOTB's posts for the better part of a decade now. I'm incredibly sorry to hear that he's gone.

It's amazing to see how many lives he has touched, even just on this site. Most people associate internet forums with anonymous personalities but it's obvious that he transcended that.

Atrax 15 May 2016 21:11

Damn. RIP Sir.

Andy0331 15 May 2016 21:13

I think the last time I saw Andy was when he was in FL... sadly too long ago. It sucks to hear he's gone, it really sucks, but I'm glad to have known him and my life is better for it.

RIP brother.

KidA 15 May 2016 21:15

[QUOTE=Silverbullet;1058563083]your post[/QUOTE]

Fucking allergies. Thanks a lot. I thought I had the water turned off[I] at the source[/I] for the day.

And nice try. :biggrin: They weren't leather damnit.

I am humbled to be able to call you both [I]friend[/I]. I am sure there were bets taken as to whether I'd show up or not. I want to know who lost and how much.

CTA 15 May 2016 21:48

Nice posts KidA and Sb. Kid, I especially like the last part with the stove glass cracking. Must be Andy heading to Valhalla. Fair winds and following seas and RIP brother. Fuck cancer!

WS-G 15 May 2016 22:00

[QUOTE=Stopp700;1058563066]Has anyone started a fund for Andy's daughter/final expenses? Please let us know....[/QUOTE]
That's a damned good idea! Whoever sets this up, I [i]will[/i] make a contribution!

It's been a very long time indeed (months!) since last I checked in here, and only popped in just today... to find... [i]this[/i]. :frown:

First off, before I go any further, I acknowledge that [b]SOTB[/b] was a personal friend (in-person) to many of you. He and I did not have the opportunity to ever meet in person, and I think it's fair to say that a lot of you were aware that he and I were not exactly on the best of terms. Gentlemen, I must ask that you please accept this state of affairs, and understand that this post is [i]not[/i] made with the intent of either casting aspersions upon Mr. Potts' memory, nor with any intent of offending any of you.

In all honesty, over the years he and I had rubbed each other the wrong way more than once. Looking back, I know that because he had read me wrong in a number of areas, it's only fair to say that I must surely have been every bit as wrong about him. I could certainly think back on some posts he made which left me thinking "so he's not such a bad guy after all, despite the persona he projects". So.... I probably should have cut him more moral slack than I did.

That said, I [i]will[/i] state that I consider his forthrightness in standing up for his point of view and his beliefs to have been commendable. Whether we agreed with one another or not, I never once knew him to waffle or equivocate about anything. This demonstated consistent moral courage -- a hallmark of United States Marine Corps ethics -- and is deserving of respect. For example, he made no bones whatsoever about the fact that he was a professed and much-confirmed atheist, and often came across as if he openly ridiculed those of us with definite religious beliefs. However much I (and doubtlessly others) may have taken exception to any such remarks, the fact remains that it took a certain amount of spine for him to say that and to have been consistent about maintaining his position. Mr. Potts: I say "good on you!" for having consistently displayed that degree of moral courage.

If we had enjoyed the opportunity to have met in person (his popping in to a SOCNETDrink in PDX, Seattle or Spokane wouldn't have been much of a stretch, I reckon), I'd have at least greeted him as a proper gentleman, shaken his hand, and offered to buy him the libation of his choice. I'd like to think that he'd have accorded me the same consideration. Hell, we might even have ended up becoming friends!

An area where he and I clearly did have a lot of common ground was our clear mutual epicurean streak. I could definitely see a mutual appreciation for good food and drink. With that in mind, I'm going to sit an extra New York strip steak on the [i]parilla[/i] this afternoon -- with my own homemade [i]chimmichurri[/i] -- and have an extra glass of genuine Argentine [i]Malbec[/i] with it on your behalf, [i]Don[/i] Andy!

See you on the other side, Marine!

Sado_1 15 May 2016 22:05

RIP, see you on the other side. Maybe there ... I can show you some skills on the range ;) lol. Prayers for the family. Very sad.

Doc P 15 May 2016 22:07

I hadn't seen these tickets before, but browsing a little bit ago I saw one and the first thing I thought of was this thread. I hope SOTB's maidens in Valhalla pass the pinky test.


MountainBum 15 May 2016 22:17

Reading Andy's posts on SOCNET as a young E-2 inspired me to pursue a career in SOF. After I got out - we exchanged a few PMs and he helped me through some difficulties transitioning to the civilian world. I never met him in person, but he directly contributed to my success today and for that I'll always be grateful.

Rest in peace brother - you touched the lives of more people than you'll ever know.

bm2bob 15 May 2016 22:30


RIP SOTB you were a great contributor to what this board is, and I will miss dicussions with you.

I never met you but I wish I had.

fuck cancer.

Fair Winds and Following Seas...

Chesie 15 May 2016 23:14

Rest in peace, Marine.

The Corporate Guy 15 May 2016 23:18


As freely as Andy was to share his opinions on this board, he was similarly free in stepping up to help others. We had been in contact not too many weeks ago as he offered his expertise on Mexico. I had not a clue what he was going through.

RIP Marine.

octavio.a.otero 15 May 2016 23:21

Big loss for our community, I met Andy via Tripod and had the privilege of working with Andy in some of the craziest places!

All of us that had the pleasure of spending time with Andy know that he was a true professional and could argue like no one!

I know that his clients loved him and will miss him a great deal!

Valla con Dios Andrew!

GotSig? 15 May 2016 23:47

I will be in the DF tomorrow and hoist one in his honor. Blue Sky's Mr Potts and may gods peace grace your family.

Rockville 16 May 2016 00:13


You often chewed me out. I respect that.

loui_ludwig 16 May 2016 01:32


ronix 16 May 2016 01:33


Remington Raider 16 May 2016 02:04

I saw the thread title . . .
and said no effing way.


Hoepoe 16 May 2016 02:20

Blue skies Marine!


usmc_3m 16 May 2016 02:44

I will miss your posts. I wish I could have met you in person.
Fair Winds and Following Seas. Semper Fi.

EchoFiveMike 16 May 2016 04:25

Turns out you were GTG and once we got you to stop speaking Latin the night picked up. I considered smashing a chair over your head to uphold the stereotype people have from here, but let it go. [B]Andy being Andy nursed one beer all evening and then tried to give away the remaining half.[/B] [/QUOTE]

I always found it amusing that the stone cold sober one, was the guy who came closest to starting WWIII in the Appalachians. That was an interesting night.

Vaya con Dios, Andy. You will be dearly missed. S/F....Ken M

agonyea 16 May 2016 04:40

Lest we forget .........

bikewrench8541 16 May 2016 05:37

Stunned, he was an institution here...

RIP Marine
Semper Fi

8654maine 16 May 2016 06:20

Woke up this morning and expected to see his avatar and some smart ass comment.

Guess I'm just hung over.


37F5V 16 May 2016 06:26

Rest easy, SOTB.

RedDawg_03 16 May 2016 06:40

[QUOTE=Silverbullet;1058562915]Andy passed into Vahalla today.

His service included 3D Recon Bn, 2d Force Recon Co, JFKSWC. His efforts helped get the fledgling Force Recon MEUSOC program off ground and at one time he was the only MMF qualified sniper in the Marine Corps. He was hard as the proverbial woodpecker lips and smart.

He has worked all over the world and was currently running a highly successful intelligence and security company in Mexico. I know first hand the high level value his efforts brought to people.

I've had the privilege of knowing Andy since 1986. We shared similar traits and have agreed, argued and told each other to F off in cycles for years. I valued his friendship, advice and ability to tell me I was an asshole.

He was a father, husband and a Brother to many.

This site was better because of him and he never hesitated to reach out a helping hand to anyone regardless of the circumstances.

Please take a moment to remember and celebrate Andy's life. He'll be missed, but not forgotten by all of us who knew him.

Semper Fi[/QUOTE]

This is terrible news. I never met him but I always read his insightful and thought provoking statements and comments on here.

This is a loss for us all. RIP SOTB. We will miss you on here

MakoZeroSix 16 May 2016 06:59

This came as a shock to me coming back from a trip last night. I'm very upset. I had the pleasure of doing business with Andy, he hosted me in Mexico on two occasions. The guy rode several busses for hours to get from Gudalajara to Mexico City just to have dinner with me.

He was an incredibly nice, gracious and above all intelligent person. His prickly nature online might lead some people to believe he was that way in person, but he couldn't have been a nicer guy, and he taught me a great deal about the personal security business during our conversations. He had a truly unique perspective on that stuff.

Farewell friend. This place won't be the same without you. I know you didn't believe in God, but I hope that you were pleasantly surprised to realize that it didn't end with physical death, and that your conciousness continues on in some way in someplace, however it all actually works.

DSSRonin 16 May 2016 07:18

RIP Marine. You, among others, made this place what it is. Sounds like your positive influence went way beyond the realm of SOCNET. May your family find some solace in that.

Hoof 16 May 2016 07:31

I knew Andy back at 3rd Recon Bn. RIP Brother!

just11b 16 May 2016 07:32

Rest In Peace, Marine.

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