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ex 19 July 2016 22:04

I know during that time he would visit his wife daily at the nursing home, as she had been admitted with alheimers.
Did he survive her?
Lost touch over the years... May this good man rest in peace.[/QUOTE]

I spoke to him last month and she was still alive.

MacDuff 19 July 2016 22:05

Cass' recollections were one of the highlights of this site.

This place isn't the same without Cass and SOTB.

Fubar 19 July 2016 22:12

[QUOTE=MacDuff;1058579714]Cass' recollections were one of the highlights of this site.

This place isn't the same without Cass and SOTB.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. Too much Blue Falcon and not enough of, well, you know.

Silverbullet 19 July 2016 22:17

This is a thread to memorialize a man who meant a great deal to this site. It's not for discussion of his private business or any snarky comments about others.

BionicDamien 19 July 2016 22:24

This is a thread to memorialize a man who meant a great deal to this site. It's not for discussion of his private business or any snarky comments about others.[/QUOTE]

Understood, thanks SB. I know you guys got it.

CAP MARINE 19 July 2016 22:31

RIP, my friend

GotSig? 19 July 2016 22:31

Thanks for standing the wall Mr Garrett. Hoisting one for you and those like you!


The Corporate Guy 19 July 2016 22:39


That's some great history, right there. Very cool.

havok88 19 July 2016 22:39

Rip Cass.
Like everyone else, each time I saw a post by him in a thread, I always looked forward to whatever bit of knowledge, or humor he was adding to the discussion.

SN 19 July 2016 22:51


Another great member gone.

Fair winds and following seas.

CA SGT 19 July 2016 22:58

Ken and I had linked up on a couple occasions for lunch, the last time being 6 June. As always it was good conversation and I was honored to have spent time with him.
I had reached out recently via several avenues and had not gotten a reply which concerned me. I was just about to take another route for contact when I just saw this. I am very saddened by this news.
I don't have any other words right now......

RGR.Montcalm 19 July 2016 23:05

RIP Sir- you were a class act and a trail blazer

See you at the feasting tables.

jasonglh 19 July 2016 23:22

RIP Frogman.

Jakers 19 July 2016 23:23

RIP sir.

'MisterWhite' 19 July 2016 23:25

RIP, Cass. Thank you.

IronCross 19 July 2016 23:34

RIP Cass. You will be missed.

iraqgunz 19 July 2016 23:36

I just heard about this. Sorry, to hear about Cass. I always enjoyed his tongue and cheek posts.

He was truly one of the legendary Americans that made America great.

Fofo 19 July 2016 23:55

Another extraordinary member of SOCNET, with a life he served, fought and lived in I sometimes couldn't wrap my head around. A legend, absolutely and he lived history alright.

Rest In Peace, Sir.

1026 19 July 2016 23:57

Eternal Rest
Grant unto Cass, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace.

SlashWire 20 July 2016 00:14

RIP, sir.

CTA 20 July 2016 00:18

A rare life indeed and a true warrior and patriot. You are already missed. Fair winds and following seas.


Gray Rhyno 20 July 2016 01:24

RIP Sir. Thank you for your service to our country. Your wisdom and insight will be much missed here at SOCNET.

DCH 20 July 2016 01:24

It was an honor to know of you sir.

Rest Peaceful Cass,
Thank you for your service.

Crucible guy 20 July 2016 02:18

RIP, I always looked forward to hearing him weigh in on a topic.


PD864 20 July 2016 02:19

Rest in peace Sir, and thank you.

Ole crusty bastard 20 July 2016 04:50

We have lost a friend, our country has lost a hero.

Hopeless Civilian 20 July 2016 05:00

Cass forged a path that was followed by generations of Frogmen and SEALS. The word hero can be an overused term at times, but in this case it fits.

RIP Mr. Garrett. Thank you for your service, and the knowledge and wisdom you have given us.

Look. Don'tTouch. 20 July 2016 05:03

His presence was incredible. I'd always read his posts twice.
Rest in peace, Cass.

My sincere condolences to the rest of you SEALs for the loss to your community and history.

d322 20 July 2016 05:59

Rest in peace Ken. You will be missed.

Nimja 20 July 2016 06:14

The passing of Cass and SOTB reminded me of a moment, that I imagine every man goes through at some point. I looked at one of the older shooters at a club match, a guy who I always much respected, and suddenly realized, that the number of times I would see him again was limited and finite. That whatever wisdom he had to pass, I had to glean in the shortest of times, because there wasn't much time left. And it made me think of how much time is wasted throughout the day, on things that have little value. Cass has reminded me of this moment again, and I wish him well, and hope to honor him, by trying not to waste time, but spend it with people I respect and care about.

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