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19MIKE 19 May 2016 07:54

I was at my son's concert last night and the select choir sang their beautiful rendition of the Irish Blessing to end the show ....and I thought of Andy's passing as they sang

[B]Irish Blessing

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

Until We Meet Again, until we meet again....[/B]

Of course the alternative version is;

[B]'May you be in heaven a half hour before the devil knows you're dead'[/B];)

13F/COLT 19 May 2016 12:30

Rest in Peace SOTB.

Expatmedic 19 May 2016 12:45

I keep waiting for him to post.:(

Sigi 19 May 2016 13:21

I am posting this out of respect and remembrance of SOTB, so if it is misplaced or otherwise out of line, please delete. I laughed while reading through (most of) these and thought sharing might bring some smiles.

His daughter, the artist:

The Chinese and the movie Deadpool


FAB skin slide cover for Glock

You attacked, you lost, deal with it.

The logic of pointing out crappy restaurant service

Do not mess with his Peanut Butter!

Pallets of Peanut Butter, and magazines of ammo

assertnull 19 May 2016 13:25

Sudden. Strange. Sad.
Didn't know him outside of here, but from what I know - what a very neat dude, who brought a ton to this online community, and seemingly the people he knew and worked with in person.

Really didn't see this coming. Just a week or so ago he was critiquing my usage of a crock pot, cooking up pork roasts. Now on to Valhalla or wherever it is deities go to when they pass - the pain is over, I hope you've found peace, and your loved ones can find peace knowing you're no longer hurting.

I remember early on stepping on my pp, and him being the one to point it out. I think many may remember similar. Sometimes, often times, with hilarious results. Like others have said, even when you disagreed at first blush, he made you revisit why you believe what you believe. If your argument was poorly-reason, poorly-articulated, or simply lacked SA, he'd let you know. When he articulated his own perspective, you'd reconsider your own. Super switched-on, but super funny at the same time. Near as I can tell, those of you who knew him personally were blessed for the time you were allowed to share.

I don't think I'll ever forget [url=]one of my favorite SOTB moments[/url]

Thanks to SOTB I've tried, with two different women, to jump and slap their tits with my dong, just to see if I could do it - and he was right, it doesn't impress. And really, you can't dismiss it with "look, this guy on this forum tried to do it, I wanted to see if I could".

You will be missed. I hope I have the opportunity to hit some of the restaurants you've recommended in Mexico, and will eat enough cow to make you proud.

ramzmedic 19 May 2016 14:08

Very sad news. I did not have the pleasure of knowing Andy but I read as many of his posts as I could. He always seemed straight forward, told it like it was, and behind the veneer I could tell he was a passionate person. I liked how he talk often about his daughter and going to movies with her.

RIP SOTB and thanks for your service.

Boats 19 May 2016 18:28

I feel a great loss in not knowing you, Mr. Potts, and a greater loss in knowing you're gone.
-Fair Winds, Sir.

Rough Raven 19 May 2016 20:41

RIP Andy. Marine. Warrior. Our world just grew a little bit darker...

Prayers for your family and friends.

Purple36 19 May 2016 21:06

[QUOTE=Expatmedic;1058564155]I keep waiting for him to post.:([/QUOTE]


Hawkeye 20 May 2016 00:01

Rest in Peace Andy.

bugeater 20 May 2016 00:06

The only thing I understand is that this is another reminder of how fragile life is. To me, SOTB was a pillar of this immovable object. Fuck cancer. Live life.

Until Valhalla Marine, I never met you but am a better man from knowing of you.

Hawk14 20 May 2016 07:05


GPC 20 May 2016 09:14

[QUOTE=Look. Don'tTouch.;1058564046]It's awesome to see folks posting up their favorite quotes by Andy.[/QUOTE]

SOTBism will live on for sure.

ReconB2 20 May 2016 10:14

Well, shit. WTF.
Our paths crossed in the mid-80's and I am grateful for the experience of working together. We are truly diminished.
RIP brother.

freds4 20 May 2016 11:58

I'm stunned. I don't hang out here much anymore but when I heard the news I had to check in. We all have to go sometime but it's still a shock when you hear news like this. SOCNET will not be the same without him; see you on the other side Andy.

Justaclerk 20 May 2016 12:11

[QUOTE=Rough Raven;1058564294]RIP Andy. Marine. Warrior. [B]Our world just grew a little bit darker...[/B]

Prayers for your family and friends.[/QUOTE]

...and a little, no, a lot, less interesting.

DC Photog 20 May 2016 12:20

I haven't been checking in here much lately. To log in casually and find this out is a really huge kick in the chest.

There are few people who have posted here that have made me think more or differently about things in the world or life as much as he did. Walking about my job and when certain things come up I would wonder "what would SOTB think about this?" Sure enough, when I had time I'd log on and often see just what he thought about it. I will miss that.

The world is a smaller place without you SOTB. RIP Andy.

To those of you who were much closer to him you are in my thoughts and prayers.

bobofthedesert 20 May 2016 16:36

What?? No.... :sadface:

Like others I would not have thought I could be affected like this by the loss of someone I knew only from the 'net, but he was such a giant on this board.....all here are indeed poorer for his loss. All Hail the founder of The Pinky Test!!


kosty 20 May 2016 18:50


He took offense to my presence - I wish there had been a way to reconcile.

Terminator2 20 May 2016 20:54


He was such a staple here and from what SB was saying, his credentials speak for themselves. This world lost a very good man.

Didn't pull any punches with me or anyone if we said something stupid or ignorant. I learned quickly from him how to navigate this site respectfully. I know his awesome, warped (in a very good way) sense of humor will be sorely missed here.

RIP Marine, and fuck cancer.

Traveler 20 May 2016 23:22

Rest In Peace, Mr. Potts.

seabee1226 21 May 2016 07:25


Thank you for your advice & wisdom that you've shared w/ all of us for so long.

Spork 21 May 2016 07:33

Rest In Peace, Marine. To all of his close friends and family I offer my heartfelt condolences.

What he taught me in one PM I will never forget.

Fuck Cancer

Headshot 21 May 2016 09:08

Rest in peace, Andy.

As much as he displayed his candor on here, it seemed to be equally peppered with very tactful diplomacy, a worthy trait to be gleaned by anyone.

gryan1966 21 May 2016 09:37

I dont post a lot but I enjoyed reading SOTBs posts. Very informative and his sarcasm was fun to read. RIP Marine

Kalbo 21 May 2016 13:11

Rest in Peace Marine! I didn't get a chance to meet you in person, but like others, I always looked forward to reading what you had to say. I wish condolences to your family and to all those who have an empty place in their hearts. Until Valhalla! Fuck Cancer.

Semper Fidelis,

btq96r 21 May 2016 23:03

I was just flipping through the Guys who cook thread, and this pic in one of his posts does a great job of showing all the glory that was SOTB.


338winny 22 May 2016 12:40

I don't post much, but I do read a lot here and this is very sad news. I echo DC PHOTOG & BOTD, I would find myself wondering what SOTB's take would be on a particular topic that was on my mind. Never wondered what anybody else thought. Also, I am trying to come to grips as to why his passing has had such a profound affect on me. I never knew SOTB personally, and never had individual correspondence via SOCNET.


johnnylaw 22 May 2016 17:15

I'd like to make a donation to SOTB's family, but I have not been able to locate a single shred of information on the net (just the way SOTB would have liked). In lieu of donating to SOTB's family, I will make a donation to SOCNET and I believe he would definitely get behind that. It's really strange how Andy touched so many of us here. That definitely says a lot about him.

don 22 May 2016 18:21

I never knew him as "Andy" I only knew him as SOTB....the BTDT formerly known as South of the Border. In a previous post I simply said, "What a kick in the gut." Those words don't even come close to expressing my feelings.

I've been here for 9 years...and don't post a lot. I do read...every day. I look at you guys kind of like " family". Every posting by Bubba's that struggle with their demons, went through horrible family situations, dealt with the misery of losing a dog...I read it all, and it has a definite, profound impact on me.

SOTB...Honest to God...and I know you didn't believe...I hope you are looking down at us saying "OK, you fuckers...I was wrong." I would hate to think "...that's all folks." You were one smart dude, and I hope there is something more to come.

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