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Chimo 15 May 2018 14:18

Rest Easy Andy... Never Forgotten.

Ole crusty bastard 15 May 2018 14:32

Good memories.

Blackjack78 15 May 2018 17:06

Damn two years already. Rest easy my friend.

Silverbullet 15 May 2018 17:27

Rest easy my Brother.
I miss you.

MixedLoad 15 May 2018 18:21

You're missed, Andy. Not just for your biting sarcasm and sharp wit, but as a brother.

Fubar 15 May 2018 19:30

I didn't know him other than some email exchanges. His loss is still felt on this site. I can only imagine the impact his loss has had on the real, non-internet world.

Jimbo 15 May 2018 21:06

[QUOTE=Blackjack78;1058724833]Damn two years already. Rest easy my friend.[/QUOTE]

I’m sitting on the couch he lived on for a week. Bought a Junior’s cheesecake today. Will eat it and do some burpees to box jumps. You are missed, Andy.

SF_BHT 15 May 2018 21:15

RIP Andy

gavin 15 May 2018 21:36

Still haven't quite processed Andy being dead.

Rest easy, brother.

DevilDawg 15 May 2018 21:44

Was just looking at Junior’s thinking about mail ordering a cheesecake, two years already SMH.

Rest Easy Andy

ussfpa 15 May 2018 22:13

My friend - good thoughts, better memories.

Miss ya buddy-

steve 16 May 2018 07:26

I would have never thought it possible to miss someone I never met.

bobmueller 16 May 2018 12:13

[QUOTE=steve;1058724929]I would have never thought it possible to miss someone I never met.[/QUOTE]

Well said. This is where I am with it.

Doc P 16 May 2018 12:58

Godspeed SOTB. Ironically 15MAY is my cancerversary. Nine years this year. As I celebrate my life I'll toast one to your passing. Godspeed.

CPTAUSRET 16 May 2018 13:59

I miss him.

usmc_3m 16 May 2018 21:58

Damn... 2 years already. Continue to RIP, Andy.
You are greatly missed.

HighDragLowSpeed 16 May 2018 22:00

Miss meeting up with you in Mexico City, bro.

Sigi 16 May 2018 22:09

[QUOTE=steve;1058724929]I would have never thought it possible to miss someone I never met.[/QUOTE]

That's it, that's what I wanted to say.

Dino0311 17 May 2018 00:04

I got a lot of good advice from Andy over the years. I wish he was still around to bounce things off of.

Dark Helmet 17 May 2018 00:55

[QUOTE=DevilDawg;1058724903]two years already SMH.

Rest Easy Andy[/QUOTE]

Two years? Wow...

Polypro 17 May 2018 07:16

1 Attachment(s)
RIP buddy.

Expatmedic 17 May 2018 23:06

He helped shape this place.:frown:

Asanga 19 May 2018 19:27

May he rest in eternal peace!

DCH 20 May 2018 01:30

SOTB you may be gone, but you are very much still here- amongst those who will never forget, who knew of you and how you lived, and chose to continue on..

This thread, this place- to me anyway- has reached hallowed status.
Not only because of you, but the twenty-three other Souls here with you- all of you are now no longer unacquainted nor separate from the other, but are together in a gathering of brothers only you and your kin will ever know. It is beyond my understanding, but not quite beyond my ability to appreciate such bonds.

I am humbled and offer my respectful remembrance.

Stallion 25 May 2018 12:50

Rest in Peace my brother you are sorely missed . No, I will not eat any more Mayan crickets. Well maybe with lots of peanut butter.

Gsniper 3 November 2018 07:51

I had occasion to spend an evening drinking beer with Tom Bullins this week and got some old time SOTB stories.

ronin1313 27 November 2018 16:26

This sucks
As always I randomly catch myself saying "I need to call andy and ask him about this". Glaring reminder of how small our circle is.
I laughed at the cheese cake comment as we all have heard of his opinion on the best cheese cake. :)

Sharky 27 November 2018 22:32

And the inventor of the "Pinky Test".... LOL

Miss you, asshole.

Dino0311 27 November 2018 23:22

[QUOTE=Sharky;1058765002]And the inventor of the "Pinky Test".... LOL

Miss you, asshole.[/QUOTE]

Wife passed it a couple months past pregnancy. Andy would have been proud.

usmc_3m 1 December 2018 15:36

SOTB/Andy's Birthday today.
Still miss your voice on these boards...
Continue to RIP.

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