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He was a big man and immensely influential on my beliefs, though I knew him only virtually, and not personally. I also experienced his kind heart over PM.
RIP, Andy. |
I was sorry to hear about the passing of Andy. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends, as well as all here who knew and worked with him.
I'd been away from this site for a while, and coincidentally I had just returned from a get-together to mourn the losses of my 32Bn bothers during the Angolan war, and got a bit of a jolt when logging in and seeing that SOTB had succumbed. So much so that it's taken me two days to mull it over before posting my condolences.
It's remarkable the impact SOTB made on members here. Many characters on this site but he stood out. When I first arrived here I soon felt his wrath and thought "well every forum has one" and put him down as the resident big mouth. Next to dawn on me was his apparent dislike of anything South African. I obviously don't know him from a bar of soap, like most people here, but after a while it occurred to me that he spoke a lot of sense. And he didn't take prisoners. It also sunk in that we had remarkably similar backgrounds, both military and civilian albeit it in opposite ends of the world, similar ages, similar curmudgeonly outlook, similar atheism, similar dislike of a lot of things South African, and a similar cancer issue for that matter. My brother from another mother so to speak. If this forum was my home turf I'd be mouthing off exactly like him. How could I possibly hold a grudge? So I sat in my corner and began increasingly to enjoy the chirps and confrontations, as well as his technical knowledge, and I always made a point of reading his posts. In fact I harboured a secret fantasy of possibly meeting up with him in a professional environment one day. Seems that day will have to wait till I also kick the bucket. If we consider the vacuum he leaves here on SOCNET then we can just imagine the vacuum he leaves among his family and colleagues. It's those left behind that suffer. So my positive thoughts and energies go out to them. |
Back in 2013 I noticed, like a few others here, that Andy's posts were getting 'abnormal' and asked him if everything was okay. His response:
[quote]Dude, All is good. I hope no one is taking anything I write too seriously. Its just the internet. Cool to hear about your dog. I'm going to have to get another dog within the next year.... Andy[/quote] To those that signed up and got their pee pees whacked quickly by Andy, remember his pm to me above. He was good at seperating the internet and real life. More than most. I also know he had a big heart off screen and is a hell of a person that would go way out of his way to help a brother in need.(Yes, he's past, but to all of us that remember him, he is still here.. All you have to do is go back and read here... As long as this site is around, so will be Andy, and his awesome humor.) |
Rest in Peace SOTB.
Fuck cancer... |
God Bless you SOTB.
Rest Peaceful Marine. |
Met Andy once, and hoped to get together again. He had insightful posts about a wide range of subjects. Regards to his family. R.I.P.
I was saddened to hear of your passing. |
RIP Andy, your wisdom and insight will be missed.
We'll have that drink in Valhalla. |
I had posted in the 75th forum when my uncle (former 1/75) had passed. He posted words that meant a lot to me then.
As a long time lurker on this board, he was one of my favorite people to read. Very funny, very smart and i learned a lot about the kind of attitude one should have if they're going to serve. I'd like to think some of his perspective rubbed off on me and helped me become a better soldier. I'm gonna miss reading his posts on here for sure. Rest in peace, Marine. |
I met Andy in 2003 on BIAP when he came to work for us on a contract. Ran into him again in Kabul a few years after that. For some reason I woke up this morning, and decided to contact him here. Quiet a shock to see his name on this thread.
RIP. Blue skies above. |
RIP and Semper Fi...I learned a lot from you on here Sir! Till Valhalla!
I click on Socnet because it has always gone well with that morning cup of coffee.
Check in, read, go to work. I admit I check in now to see who contributed to this thread and how they remembered SOTB. Is that weird? Why am I still sad remembering SOTB, and getting choked up? There are so many people on this board that make this board great. This site means a LOT to me. I just don't understand how the loss of SOTB preoccupies my time away from here. As someone else has already mentioned, my condolences to all those who knew SOTB. I miss him. |
RIP Marine.
[QUOTE=Sigi;1058566026]I click on Socnet because it has always gone well with that morning cup of coffee.
Check in, read, go to work. I admit I check in now to see who contributed to this thread and how they remembered SOTB. Is that weird? Why am I still sad remembering SOTB, and getting choked up? There are so many people on this board that make this board great. This site means a LOT to me. I just don't understand how the loss of SOTB preoccupies my time away from here. As someone else has already mentioned, my condolences to all those who knew SOTB. I miss him.[/QUOTE] For me it's because he was such a prolific poster and figure here. He always had a strong opinion on whatever he was replying to...so now when I read a thread that would likely have elicited an Andy post...it's glaringly quiet or toned down. An empty space. |
My sorrow is slowly turning into a great respect, pure fucking admiration and pride that I "knew" such a man as 'South'.
I'm proud to be here amongst you all. DCH |
[QUOTE=Sigi;1058566026]I click on Socnet because it has always gone well with that morning cup of coffee.
Check in, read, go to work. I miss him.[/QUOTE] X2 - for around to 10 years since he signed up, he's been an integral part of my morning reading too. It's not the same. I loved watching the way he handled people, what an intellect! I wish I could've met him. |
[QUOTE=ralph conner;1058566055]I loved watching the way he handled people, what an intellect! I wish I could've met him.[/QUOTE]
In spades. |
There are those whose light burns so bright that one can't help but be burned when in their presence -- physically or via the Internet -- to where the scar they leave is a permanent reminder of the encounter.
He was one of those rare people! I sorely miss him and our talks via PM's already. |
It has beens months since I've been on Socnet. For Those of you who knew SOTB personally, I can only imagine the impact of his passing and I am sorry for the loss you feel. For those, who like me respected his wisdom, frankness and honesty, SOTB was the constant and consistent voice of "reason." As a woman, I didn't always agree with his positions, but I could tell that he was the loving father of a daughter, and that was enough.
I found out from another source about SOTB. Even though we never met face to face, he was and will remain important to me and had an impact on my life outside the internet. He made me a better forum user because, as others have testified, SOTB was one of the first people to correct your dance step when you had decided to dance on your own junk, hell, he'd beat the admins to it at times!
What I value most about SOTB is two separate incidences. First his chastisement when I stepped on my not-so-considerable dick in a thread here early on. Second is when he in a position to speak up for me later, he said but one word "Si" thereby showing that he never took things further than they needed to be taken. What strikes me as I process things is that, although he was larger than life in these forums, and as I reflect on the words of those who knew him IRL, is that as amazing as he was, he was but one of the remarkable individuals found in this forum. His value was his unique take on things and his loss only magnifies what value individuals have. I hope that he would view these next words favourably, even from an Aussie. RIP Andy. You will remain one of my standards for behaviour. Lest We Forget (the Dead) but fight like hell for the living! |
Came on the board tonight after a really long time to read & reflect Memorial Day. After posting in the Memorial day thread I scrolled down & read the title & my heart sank. GTFO. I, like most never met Andy in person but met him on-line over at another site about 12 years ago & early on during my time there someone used his first name, the only time I actually saw it during the 5 or 6 years I frequented that site.
At FMSS, as permanent personnel I served with former FR Sgt who had a crazy friend named Andy he had served with. Although I was intimidated by his on line persona I needed to know if he was the same Andy & once I was able to finally get the nerve after getting his FR time frame calculated I PM'd him to ask if he was the same "ANDY". I used his name in my opening line & he responded with "no i'm not that Andy & how the fuck do you know my name, I never use it on here & you better not be someone I know fucking with me". Once I explained that I wasn't messing with him & who I was he replied back "sorry man I apologize". Obviously no apologies were needed from him but he gave me one anyway. Through the years I would pm him every once in a while to ask questions about this or that. I always appreciated his honest answers & always thought that his on-line gruff personality was nothing like what it would actually be in person. Would have loved to have met him face to face because i'm sure he was an awesome dude in all respects. RIP Andy |
Rest in peace SOTB
I remember most about your post of arriving in country in Iraq years back and quitting the gig, just to ride around and take pictures. That's always stuck with me and now on contract I always try to take pictures of the most ridiculous shit I see, just for the memories one day when I'm old Prayers and thoughts go out to your family in their time of grief |
Any post past a paragraph in length was well thought out and deliberate. One could find philosophical differences with him, but his presentation of facts was typically correct and he argued his case cogently. A pretty smart guy whose presence will be missed on these boards greatly.
Rest in peace, Brother.
Long time reader of many SOTB posts and threads, enough to know what a loss this is, and always appreciated his subtle wry humor, mixed with a sincere caring and advice. His posts always made me consider what was real and practical, and what may have been "marketing" hype to be avoided. It is an honor to be here (these Memorial Days,) to wish RIP.
I have known Andy since 2002 and we have PM'd, e-mailed and traded information over the net. Then I finally met him in 2007 when he came to Texas to visit me,Rat and Finger at ArmorGroup.He certainly didn't look like I had envisioned from all the SOCNET and internet talking we had done over the years.As many have already mentioned he reminded me more of a Hawkeye Pierce than a steely eyed Recon Marine lol. WE didnt have much time to chat but it's always good to meet SOCNET brothers in person. RIP Andy you are a legend and someone that I will always call friend!!
Rock |
I just saw this.
RIP SOTB, Thank you for sharing your knowledge and humor with us. Reed |
In continuing with the stories of Andy's impact to us here on SOCNET - I had a dream a couple nights ago that I was with Andy working an EP gig. Then, as dreams do, it got a bit strange and we wound up on Pendleton and then at a bar with a bunch of other Marines, some of whom I knew and others I did not.
What made this unique for me: I don't dream. Or I very rarely remember any dreams. This one was vivid. I have never met Andy in person, but it felt like I knew him well in this dream. When I woke up I felt a deep sense of loss. I'm sure a psychologist would say something about the residual subconscious blah blah blah. But for me it just confirmed how much of an impact he had on me. I am sure if Andy could read this post he would say that it was GAY. |
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