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Old 15 May 2016, 22:00
WS-G WS-G is offline
Join Date: Oct 1999
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Originally Posted by Stopp700 View Post
Has anyone started a fund for Andy's daughter/final expenses? Please let us know....
That's a damned good idea! Whoever sets this up, I will make a contribution!

It's been a very long time indeed (months!) since last I checked in here, and only popped in just today... to find... this.

First off, before I go any further, I acknowledge that SOTB was a personal friend (in-person) to many of you. He and I did not have the opportunity to ever meet in person, and I think it's fair to say that a lot of you were aware that he and I were not exactly on the best of terms. Gentlemen, I must ask that you please accept this state of affairs, and understand that this post is not made with the intent of either casting aspersions upon Mr. Potts' memory, nor with any intent of offending any of you.

In all honesty, over the years he and I had rubbed each other the wrong way more than once. Looking back, I know that because he had read me wrong in a number of areas, it's only fair to say that I must surely have been every bit as wrong about him. I could certainly think back on some posts he made which left me thinking "so he's not such a bad guy after all, despite the persona he projects". So.... I probably should have cut him more moral slack than I did.

That said, I will state that I consider his forthrightness in standing up for his point of view and his beliefs to have been commendable. Whether we agreed with one another or not, I never once knew him to waffle or equivocate about anything. This demonstated consistent moral courage -- a hallmark of United States Marine Corps ethics -- and is deserving of respect. For example, he made no bones whatsoever about the fact that he was a professed and much-confirmed atheist, and often came across as if he openly ridiculed those of us with definite religious beliefs. However much I (and doubtlessly others) may have taken exception to any such remarks, the fact remains that it took a certain amount of spine for him to say that and to have been consistent about maintaining his position. Mr. Potts: I say "good on you!" for having consistently displayed that degree of moral courage.

If we had enjoyed the opportunity to have met in person (his popping in to a SOCNETDrink in PDX, Seattle or Spokane wouldn't have been much of a stretch, I reckon), I'd have at least greeted him as a proper gentleman, shaken his hand, and offered to buy him the libation of his choice. I'd like to think that he'd have accorded me the same consideration. Hell, we might even have ended up becoming friends!

An area where he and I clearly did have a lot of common ground was our clear mutual epicurean streak. I could definitely see a mutual appreciation for good food and drink. With that in mind, I'm going to sit an extra New York strip steak on the parilla this afternoon -- with my own homemade chimmichurri -- and have an extra glass of genuine Argentine Malbec with it on your behalf, Don Andy!

See you on the other side, Marine!
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