Thread: TSgt Chapman
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Old 4 January 2023, 20:26
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ussfpa ussfpa is offline
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TSgt Chapman

I continue to go back to this video. I have yet to see it without emotion, empathy, and sheer awe at what this MAN must have had going through his mind.
Alone, cold, outnumbered, wounded.

THIS, gentleman, represents the best of US.

Every viewing I am humbled that much more...I feel less worthy to have fought beside men such as this.

A glass raised, a soldier received in the final patrol base, a legacy memorialized, an INCREDIBLE example - never forgotten.

Thank you all for listening.

MOH on film
I cannot empathize with a slackard, a shirker, and a coward. I would probably kick your ass as well, if one of the other members didn't beat me to it.
Happy New Year Message from TR- 1/1/04
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