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Old 13 September 2010, 16:09
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Dan Kohlstrom: AKA Javahedz

This was sent to me via another member on Socnet who wishes to remain in the background:

Commemorating the first anniversary of the death of Dan Kohlstrom(a.k.a., Javahedz) on September 10, 2009.
Not many knew Dan was battling a potentially fatal illness. He suffered silently. To the naked eye he was the epitome of fitness and incessant positivity- nothing seemed to get him down.
We worked and lived together. We fought like brothers and competed. If I knew then what I know now, I would have done it differently. Your life saved mine. You’re not forgotten.
Although I didn't know Dan as well as some on Socnet, he was a class act and will be missed dearly by those who knew him.
As a dreamer of dreams and a travelin' man, I have chalked up many a mile. Read dozens of books about heroes and crooks, And I've learned much from both of their styles
...Loved by few, judged by many

Don't practice until you get it right, Practice until you can't get it wrong
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