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Old 29 May 2016, 00:12
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Old_Starlight Old_Starlight is offline
Awaiting the Terrologist?
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posts: 2,686
I found out from another source about SOTB. Even though we never met face to face, he was and will remain important to me and had an impact on my life outside the internet. He made me a better forum user because, as others have testified, SOTB was one of the first people to correct your dance step when you had decided to dance on your own junk, hell, he'd beat the admins to it at times!

What I value most about SOTB is two separate incidences. First his chastisement when I stepped on my not-so-considerable dick in a thread here early on. Second is when he in a position to speak up for me later, he said but one word "Si" thereby showing that he never took things further than they needed to be taken.

What strikes me as I process things is that, although he was larger than life in these forums, and as I reflect on the words of those who knew him IRL, is that as amazing as he was, he was but one of the remarkable individuals found in this forum. His value was his unique take on things and his loss only magnifies what value individuals have.

I hope that he would view these next words favourably, even from an Aussie.

RIP Andy. You will remain one of my standards for behaviour.

Lest We Forget (the Dead) but fight like hell for the living!
AJ sends.

On the 11th Hour of the 11th Day of the 11th Month, we will remember them.

Lest We Forget.
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